You are your most powerful healer.

Increase energy & self love, release unwanted weight, support your menstrual cycle, hormones, & womb space, and restore your personal power over your future and life. In my FREE guide below, you’ll learn a simple, yet effective, morning ritual to help you learn how to begin regenerating your cells and restoring the healthy mind, body, and spirit you were meant to have. My mission is to EMPOWER women with the knowledge to understand and heal the body on a root cause level.

Soul Detox

A 10 week course to restoring cycle health, cleansing your womb, and tapping into your own body’s medicine as a woman.

“After only one month, I saw massive shifts in my health. I released parasites and candida and stabilized energy levels a great deal. While I am still uncovering layers of toxins and deepening my healing journey, I can say with certainty that this has been the best investment I have ever made in my health (and I have had years of experience in holistic wellness). I am absolutely hooked on regenerative medicine and so excited to continue this journey. It is truly transformational and Ahna is an incredible guide!

— Well Woman program participant

Hello, beautiful woman.

Are you tired of not being heard? Are your health concerns continually blamed on stress, hormones, or your imagination? If so, I can relate.

Watch this video!

Ready to balance your hormones and reclaim your vitality?

Book a discovery call to see if working with me is the right fit for you!

A radical transformation awaits you.

I help women step into their most vibrant selves by empowering them with simple tools to nourish and restore balance in the body, balance hormones, support womb wellness, reverse age, eliminate cycle pain, and detoxify what no longer serves their beautiful bodies. I am deeply passionate about helping women heal their womb space and their reproductive organs - anyone struggling with PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, fibroids, PMS, painful cycles, painful sex, sexual trauma, and more.


Well Woman

How to restore menstrual and hormonal wellness to reclaim your vitality.

Whether you’re dealing with PCOS, menstrual pain, infertility, ovarian cysts, postpartum, fertility preparation, or are healing energetically from any other womb-related traumas or disconnection, I am here to walk alongside you and guide you on your healing journey. It is your birthright to feel amazing in your body. In the Well Woman program, I help you uncover the root cause of imbalances in your body so that you can step into your most vibrant self.

What you will learn…

  • Before we dive into a unique protocol for you and your goals, I help you understand the root cause behind imbalances in the human body. We discuss the importance of soil health, the body’s elimination pathways, and review your personal health background and symptoms. Become empowered with knowledge to improve your wellness and let go of old patterns that aren’t serving you.

  • This is where we discuss which foods are supportive for your healing process, common detox and food myths, and the role of fungus, parasites, and bacteria in the human body. In this module, we will talk about what you can expect during your detoxification and healing journey. Learn how to enhance your body’s self healing capacity and reduce inflammation, relieve PMS, menstrual pain, and promote fertility.

  • This is a time to dive deeper into iridology and what your eyes can tell you about your health. The eyes can reveal your body’s inherent, genetic strengths and weaknesses and sets a beautiful foundation for which glands and organs will need the most support along your journey to vibrant health. In this module, you will discover a greater awareness of how your organs interact with each other and how your body systems function.

  • Shift your mindset and release stuck emotions, trauma, and the past. Learn about the power of breath work and release your own personal energetic blocks through an energy healing session with Ahna. Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique, and it addresses healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

  • This is where I will teach you how to cleanse your womb and why energy gets trapped in this space. You will learn how to relieve symptoms such as menstrual pain, cramping, fatigue, and also how to cleanse, tone, and heal the tissues of the reproductive organs.

  • Learn about simply belly massage techniques to bring lymphatic flow back to the womb space. Reconnect with your body and your womanhood by bringing awareness to your womb, which is your birthplace of creativity, life force, and power.

  • Cellular aging, cancer, the energetics of food, a FREE Aura scan, and simple ways to raise your vibration and connect with yourself on a deeper level. Experience greater personal power, love, joy, and clarity but raising your vibration!

Hey! I’m Ahna.

I am so glad you are here. Welcome to the start of your beautiful journey to vibrant health.

I know what it feels like to have symptoms in your body that you just can’t seem to get to the bottom of. I know how frustrating it can be to feel like your symptoms are being dismissed or masked with band aid solutions. When you begin to truly listen to your body’s communication tools, you can begin to understand how your symptoms are connected to deeper patterns in the body to facilitate much deeper healing at the root cause level.

Are you ready to uncover your own unique medicine to step into your most vibrant self?

What people are saying…

  • "When I first started working with Ahna, I had frequent digestive issues, brain fog, and low energy. Since starting, I have lost 18 lbs and have a lot of energy and clarity of mind. I learned a lot about what our body needs and doesn't need. I have a new respect for fruits and vegetables and the body's ability to heal itself with the proper tools. ahna was helpful and supportive along the way and I would recommend her to anyone."

  • "Before working with Ahna, I was really struggling with anxiety and irregular periods. I was feeling hopeless and out of control, but with Ahna's support, this program changed my life. Ahna helped to show me that I am in control of my health and under the right conditions, my body will heal. and it did! My anxiety was cut in half and my menstrual cycle returned. I can not say enough good things about this program or Ahna. Her support made all the difference!"

  • "I am feeling really well, better than I have ever felt before! It is truly amazing! I am noticing more energy. My hair is growing so much thicker, healthier, and longer. I have had acne since my teens and my skin looks so much better and healthier!"

  • "I have managed to actually take no pain meds postpartum. I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight in a few weeks! my favorite jeans fit better than before I was pregnant at 2.5 weeks postpartum. I am feeling so good and my baby is thriving too. I have great milk supply and he gained 21 oz in 2 weeks."